Wednesday, August 30, 2006

one year later

some things should be remembered. Whats sad, it wasn't even the hurricane that caused the damage. The full force of the hurricane missed new orleans, it was really the levee's not being strong / upgraded enough.

Whats even worse there is a scientific american article concerning new orleans at its levy system from 2001 and solutions.

but hey, g.w. hates black people.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

How to piss off your room mate

I'm not sure if this will actually piss him off or not. Honestly, I hope he finds it funny; i found it funny.

Here's the e-mail exchange with my brother...

to ME

u think u can clean up the coffee table and the area by the toaster...not
sure what happened.



Reply Reply to all

to roommate

i think the monster under the sink snuck out again. Don't worry, i'll find the monster, and have it clean it up. If I can't find the monster, i'll try to find one of its monster friends to clean it up. I hate monsters. I think another one -the monster under the coffee table- got out too.

RD : )


So, if any of you see these monsters, please let them know to clean their mess up :)

How to piss off your room mate

I'm not sure if this will actually piss him off or not. Honestly, I hope he finds it funny; i found it funny.

Here's the e-mail exchange with my brother...

to ME

u think u can clean up the coffee table and the area by the toaster...not
sure what happened.



Reply Reply to all

to roommate

i think the monster under the sink snuck out again. Don't worry, i'll find the monster, and have it clean it up. If I can't find the monster, i'll try to find one of its monster friends to clean it up. I hate monsters. I think another one -the monster under the coffee table- got out too.

RD : )


So, if any of you see these monsters, please let them know to clean their mess up :)

Monday, August 21, 2006


I'll keep this one short, but this has been bugging me. Plus this is kind of a confessional. For some reason, i feel that that last sentence has perked your interest. :)

Basically, a friend of mine asked more for some food and i said no. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but it kind of is. I would never refuse food to anyone, but because it was this individual who has refused food to me soooo many times, and never even offered, i said no. Its like when does one draw the line from what one believes and from being taken advantage of? I don't know. What even bumms me out even more, is that if it was anyone else...I would have not only hesitated, but given them half.

What does that say about me? When does one draw the line? Is it right to reciprocate behavior that one has received but not believe in? I don't know. I feel like i should apologzie, or cook to appease my guilt...but then...I realize i just treated him how he treats others or at least family? Anyone else I would have done otherwise. I would have insisted on otherwise.

But i guess it does bring on the greater question, "how does one treat an individual who he himself wouldn't give?" Maybe its a greater question maybe its not, but i do know that salmon should did taste great :)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A CURE!!!!!


tonight i would have driven in a state in which i couldn't. I put my friends in a position and i feel bad in having them in that position. They did the right thing but I think that was and still is irresponsible of me and even after saying all that i still know i would have and still would drive. Even now : (

whats wrong with me

Thursday, August 10, 2006

erie zone ah


This was taken in Arizona, sedona national park, and thats my friend april. I think this is a great picture in that you get the scale of the picture but what i find phenomenol (sp?) is the moon. If you look above her, you can actually see it.

I had a wonderful time out there, and this picture is just a small iota of the landscape i witnessed. I also saw real native americans too. The navajo. That was real interesting.

All in all, it was one of my best trips. I was worried that april might find me incredibly annoying (i know i can be annoying) but she didn't. All in all, we actually spent 19 hours in the car and i didn't get the feeling she wanted to kill me. Not even once :)

OH, as far as working out there, i liked one of the two sites i interviewed at. One of them is much more intimate but seems like a better vibe, where as the other one, i just got such a bad feeling from the director. The director reminded me of a vampire for some reason, but then again...he was drinking...V8.

Or was that...V 8 !! OH MY GOD!

RD : ) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Music video still exist

This is the reason i like the movie SHOLAY : )