Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Sunday was a blast, went to a bar, saw the bears lose : ( ; Second city, and then karaoke, where i now have brought my fear of stage fright to seriously phobiac threshold. Mental note, do not let your friends pick songs that you are going to sing.

Silent fart, thanks for the rationalization :)

RD : )

Compliments of the original little Jeeter

A friend forwarded this to me, and since tis the season -plus being indian- i couldn't help but put this up. :)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

My blog...

I think my blog is turning into a youtube syndicate, but...good stuff, good stuff.

Friday, November 24, 2006

black friday...

I found this hilarious...yet sad :)


Saturday, November 18, 2006


the universe seems to conspire for you...

I kind of think of it as an amazing coincidence, but anyways my older brother came into town last night. I let him borrow my car after picking him, so he just dropped me off at work, and i was just going to take the CTA back. No biggie, maybe 40minutes to get back, but not a big deal.

SO, a friend I haven't seen in awhile just randomly stopped by, and i mentioned my older brother and stuff. To make a long story short, she ended up giving me a ride back home this morning.

Its just nice to think that sometimes the universe takes a deep breath, pauses for a second, and says "I think i'm going to help out RD today" : )

And you know the greatest part of it all? Its nice to know that the universe likes least for today :)

Friday, November 17, 2006


so i think i might be going crazy. I've been getting bummed at the pharmacy lately. So it was crazy last night for a bit, so i went to the back, closed my eyes, and pretended i was here. It felt so real, that i thought i could actually feel the sun beating down, waves crashing and a breeze.

Then i heard someone banging on the counter, "anyone here!?"

I walked back out, and told him as calmly as i could, "no". I then proceeded back to the back, and went back to my mini-vacation. :)

But you know what, i did feel alot better. Kind of nice having a boat, a beach, and your own personal ocean in the pharmacy (or i guess in my case- my head) : )

RD : )

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

WARNING: this is verbally Lewd

I found this to be pretty funny, but it tends only to be funny if you've seen the movies :) I think dandruffy and silent fart will definitely enjoy this :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Living a dream....?

7 days, and 7 nights...

SO, last week was another great week. It had ups and downs, but all and all...good week. Went to the MCA, saw an amazing performance, saw a couple of great movies, and had a great time on thursday/saturday going out. Even going out last night was pretty fun.

OH, borat was hilarious! I honestly think its alot deeper movie than what its portrayed to be. A greater theme and so forth. It was interesting that even though the people had incredible/"racist" sterotypes, they still had this human decency of wanting to help borat. I just found that so interesting.

Anyways, tonight i'm off to overnights :(

Sunday, November 05, 2006


"I don't understand why America uses those nonsensical over-complex systems where the rest of the world uses the only system that works: pieces of paper on which voters mark "X", which are then all hand-counted. This solves all the problems."

"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."

Why isn't this being considered a big deal?!

Even though everyone is predicting a democratic election this midterm...i can't but help think its not going to be the case.

i'm voting tuesday, but am quite horrified by even the mere possibility of results not being accurate.

This video i think sums up things. Funny how simple things can be so effective.

Friday, November 03, 2006


SO, i've gotten contacts, and now i see things differently.

I couldn't resist the pun, imagine me chuckling right now. And laughing. Right now, that is the most hilarious thought going through my head. HELP ME.

Last night I pretended i was a robot. While at work. Probably not a good thing; i started laughing out loud, and then i continued pretending i was a robot again.

I then started wondering if i was a robot, and i needed medication, would i need special robot medication?

I stopped wondering though after i realized that my contacts are making me see things differently. I think my contacts are trying to possess me.