"I don't understand why America uses those nonsensical over-complex systems where the rest of the world uses the only system that works: pieces of paper on which voters mark "X", which are then all hand-counted. This solves all the problems."
"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
Why isn't this being considered a big deal?!
Even though everyone is predicting a democratic election this midterm...i can't but help think its not going to be the case.
i'm voting tuesday, but am quite horrified by even the mere possibility of results not being accurate.
This video i think sums up things. Funny how simple things can be so effective.
"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
Why isn't this being considered a big deal?!
Even though everyone is predicting a democratic election this midterm...i can't but help think its not going to be the case.
i'm voting tuesday, but am quite horrified by even the mere possibility of results not being accurate.
This video i think sums up things. Funny how simple things can be so effective.
It's far more than a mere possibility. Bush didn't win either of the last two elections. There is a great deal of evidence to show that there was significant tampering during the 2004 election. Above and beyond bullying minorities and other likely liberal voters there was cheating with the voting machines. There was a statistical analysis done between the exit polls and the vote count and the chances for the resulting discrepancy to occur was less likely than winning the lottery. It's a common fact that all the manufacturers of the voting machines are deeply involved with the Republican party.
Lots of people worry about the potential for inaccurate vote counts but ignore the reality that the last two election were fraught with errors and illegal practices.
Here is a link to the study which I had referred to:
And here is a link to a page that does a nice job presenting the difference between the vote count and the exit polls:
Notice the difference in the states with paper ballots and the state with electronic voting machines
I have not seen it yet but HBO recently aired a documentary on how easy it is to steal an election with electronic voting machines.
If I remember correctly I think before the 2004 election the European Union had said that the elections in the United States either are or have the potential for corruption and they wanted to send observers here to make sure nothing funny took place.
I have more to say but I think I have droned on long enough.
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