Friday, October 27, 2006

3 - 2 -1 CONTACT!

Got contacts! Took me forever to get them again, forgot what it was like to see kind of twenty twenty again.

Lifes been really good. I'm actually feeling like my old self again, and i don't know if thats a good thing. Cuz, my old self really relied on the whole premise of things will always work out and don't, cuz things will work out. In other words, i just sit there, and wait for the things to happen to me rather than making things happen.

Yesterday night was incredible. A little u of i reunion in china town. All of us that were there haven't been all together since graduating. To be honest, its been years!? or so!

It was good times. Then martin, amit and i went out and again - good times. In the mean time i've also remembered what happens when we all get together too. When prankful opportunity to send e-mail from someone's account, we tend to take full advantage.

It was kind of funny, I came out of the bathroom and they were kind of quiet, pretending to be "watching tv", and I exclaimed, OH MY GOD - cuz i knew things just weren't right in denmark- and i rushed to my computer, cuz i knew i left it open, didn't see any sent mail at the time. But as this morning shows, and the interesting responses i'm getting...karma is getting back at me : )

I think i'm going to keep pretending i don't know what they did, and refuse to admit i've gotten some interesting e-mails, that itself will even get them to admit to it. You can't out play the man who invented pranks themselves :)

RD : )


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