Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Imagine being one of the people in this crowd. Thats how i feel right now. ANTSY. Don't know why. I just don't have a day to myself. I always have to be doing something (including work) and don't seem to be able to catch up with me. Argh. Even today my patience for people is so quite minimal. Is this what work does to people? Now, i'm flying out tomorrow to Sacramento. AND, i'm going to be pretty much on someone's else schedule. I think thats why i'm so antsy....

i don't like not having my own time. I had to come down to joliet because someone else was irresponsible, and thats bugs the hell out of me. I had plans/ stuff to do up there that i've been meaning to do....and now i had to come home. Man, i'm developing all these pet peeves! I don't like having pet peeves. : (

So, pet peeve number one is filling in for someone elses responsibility....and pet peeve number two....is when driving and someone just continues to walk acrouss the street without even hurrying. Thats my pet peeve number two. Quite annoying. I use to think that in the paper when i saw hit and run (which a misnomer in itself, it should be hit and drive) , i use to think the drive was an jerk for doing such a thing. Now when i see it, i think its because the driver got sick of the person taking their sweet time walking across the street, and decided to teach them why they should hurry across the street. Seriously, if you think about it, i bet the next time someone who is crossing a street would probably start running if they've been hit by a car. AND, if you really think about it, it really makes sense, cuz cars/trucks/ vehicles in general are much much much tougher than people (granted that the person is outside of the car : )

ARGH! WHY, am i upset. OH! i just called my insurance to see if i had it....AND I'M INSURED!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!! that makes me happy : ) What was incredibly weird was when i was on hold they had spanish music playing. I can understand elevator music, maybe even adverterisements, but this was quite a surprise. At first i thought this was incredibly weird, but after much thought, i realized this was brilliant. They were basically screening out the not so serious callers. Seriously, how many people can stand listening to music in a different language?

In case you didn't know, dandruffy is a hooker. He'll do anything for wings / beer : )

ARGH! now my parents are bugging me....."RD, why don't you go to the store...?" We have to go christmas shopping for my older brother. Its like, send us your address and we can get it on-line, AND have them send it there, easy and quick (kind of like some girls i know (i.e, silent fart/ dandruffy : ) just kidding, i thik you guys are the few that read this so its kid of fun imagining your reactions. And, dandruffy, before you flame me...remember.... i now know how to put up pictures....as well as....movies : ) HAHAHAHAHHAHA (evil laughter)

Well, hopefully going to cali will make things better. Hopefully i'll find things relaxing, and lazy. I'll at least be able to answer the age old question..."how's it traveling with people who think your retarded?" I'm not sure, but i'll find out. Probably not good. It reminds me of miami, when everyone would just say no to any of my ideas, and then when dandruffy said the exact same thing, people thought it was a great idea. I have a feeling though, this is going to be quite the defining trip. I just hope my older brother and my twin brother don't get into it. They can both be quite stubborn.... I for one, will play switzerland, and try to be neutral and enjoy whatver sun i can get.....

Man, i do feel a little better. I think its a matter of perspective. oh well

OH, i saw the fourty year old virgin. HILARIOUS! i loved the part where they were talking about getting high and watching gandhi (the movie) but how they both felt guilty when doing it, cuz they get really hungry and eat alot while watching this movie, when they're basically watching a guy starve himself : ) that was funny. : )

RD : )

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happy Holidays : )

You know, HAPPY HOLIDAYS : ) i should write what i've been up to, but not much. I've been pretty busy though. Working. Thats what i've been up. I've picked up crazy amount of overtime this past week. Now, i'm working my regular shift, plus some more overtime. I was such a bum at work yesterday. I've been also kind of upset lately but i have no idea why : ) Kind of weird. I always....know i'm forgetting something but never know what it is. I think this time i know there is something major concerning stress.....and i can't remember what it is : ) I feel like gandolf in the mines of moria! : )

OH went down to champaign, lockport, and those are pretty much the highlights. OH, and silent fart not knowing how he ended up 3-4 miles from downtown champaign without getting frost bite....just shows the power of team! : )

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Right now i'm in the position of money. More you work, the more you have. I have no really point for the cash right now...but i feel safe with it. But, its like when is enough enough? I'm picking up overtime shifts now, on my week off, my goal was to have a week off for more free time . BUT, $ is just sooo tempting. Plus i have this fear that it will end.

In undergrad, i use to always try to go out. Even in pharm school. I always thought maybe i'll miss out on it, but i never realized that there will be other parties. Well, i did realize...but anyways, i'm thinking i'm going to miss out on this stuff. Fear that i will not be able to get OT

But its interesting...i never thought i would be one who wants stuff (and i'm still really not). I shouldn't be sooo careless with my free time to be working, but nonetheless, i find myself i am :(.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I am back

I am back from vegas.

Interesting observation.......

I went for a vacation and returned a million times more tired (as well as poorer : )

Why does that not make sense.

SO, i'm going to be in joliet till friday (and then start midnights again : )

Vegas was awesome awesome awesome. This time i didn't have an accident in my pants : )

I was honestly surrounded by good friends, but hey, strippers will get me to believe anything these days : )

great bday : )

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Guess where....?

SO, i'm the king of rationalization....SO, in celbration of one(s) bday......can you guss where i'm going.....

I will be back....Tuesday night

RD : )