erie zone ah

This was taken in Arizona, sedona national park, and thats my friend april. I think this is a great picture in that you get the scale of the picture but what i find phenomenol (sp?) is the moon. If you look above her, you can actually see it.
I had a wonderful time out there, and this picture is just a small iota of the landscape i witnessed. I also saw real native americans too. The navajo. That was real interesting.
All in all, it was one of my best trips. I was worried that april might find me incredibly annoying (i know i can be annoying) but she didn't. All in all, we actually spent 19 hours in the car and i didn't get the feeling she wanted to kill me. Not even once :)
OH, as far as working out there, i liked one of the two sites i interviewed at. One of them is much more intimate but seems like a better vibe, where as the other one, i just got such a bad feeling from the director. The director reminded me of a vampire for some reason, but then again...he was drinking...V8.
Or was that...V 8 !! OH MY GOD!
RD : )

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