I'm kind of tired, working overnights at the easiest job at walgreens right now. I've also been inspired by back to back people the last two days.
Friend A: Stopped by, and he works part time for walgreens. Whats crazy though, he lives really frugally, AND then just goes on months vacations. He's actually left for paris yesterday and is going to be there for 2 months. His goal is to learn the language (french) and to make some type of french pastry.
Friend B: She actually works overnights too. She basically works overtime like crazy (40-50) hours on her off week and then travels internationally to places like africa and so forth. She's going to russia for her next big trip.
SO, whats the point of all this, i'm not sure. BUT, i'm soooo tempted to just go part time, and do what my friend A does. He actually did improv, and did groups. He's pretty fascinating actually. Plus he knows how to jugle! Which is just generally cool.
I also figured the point of all this is that I guess i'm at a junction to either look at pharmacy as a job or career. Both of these friends are of the opinon that its a job, and you should enjoy life. Ironically, they both made the point that they wanted to live life now. They both even made the point that your not guaranteed to live to sixty, or that if you do, chances are that your going to be on quite a few medications too.
Friend A also mentioned that he's not envious of the uncles/aunts (he's indian) : ) that go to alaska or wherever. Cuz he knows exactly what they did, they went to some sights, probably ate fancy, and stayed at a nice hotel possibly. He says he wants to live like the locals, and see what its like to experience the culture rather than look at it. In a weird sort of way, i was inspired.
What i found interesting with both of these people is that they both encountered death early. Friend A with a father passing away at an early age, and friend B with a horrifying car accident in which she walked away from with out a scratch.
Where does this leave me? I'm not sure, but i do know that i've had near encounters with the great beyond too. SO, where does this exactly leave me then...?
Well, i guess to be exact, in front of a computer typing this : )