Sunday, June 04, 2006


Sometimes i just want to run away...witht he circus. BUT then i pause and life is a circus.

Now who didn't see that coming?

Today i was thinking maybe quitting walgreens and moving to california. I'm sooo un-motivated here. Honestly, when i went back to U of I, i actually slept on brad's floor (carpet to be technical) for a semester. And if there is anything i've ever learned, sleeping on someone else's floor can be quite motivating.

Maybe I should go to california, and sleep on jay's floor? Whats weird, is that right now i'm actually having an incredible time in chicago on my off week. Why do i feel the need to leave or that something's missing?

RD : )

p.s. I was going to put a picture of a clown, but they scare me :(


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