Tuesday, November 29, 2005

7 on....7 off....

i am now working mid-nights! I'm happy about it, but they haven't worked out my pay roll yet


PLUS, i have to tell people what i did in NC/DC! It was a great trip, i still give it a b+ because of the expense. I've speeeent sooo much cash these past months...and to keep with tradition.....

i just bought a psp : (

i'm in a dilemma. I absolutely do not need this thing. I just want it to past time at work at night. Plus to watch movies....and to um....OKAY, i don't need it. SO, i got it anyways, but if i open the game i got with it... (madden 06) I am screwed. You can not return games at best crap. ARGH! so i opened the psp box today to check it out, but my dilemma increases ever so....if i open that game....so what do i do...? HELP, silent fart! I need advice. I was told that maybe a dvd portable would be a better idea.....but i don't know...........I just can't seem to rationalize this purchase (but i'm getting close, this could be considered my ipod : ) HELP, comments, i need comments : )

RD : )

Saturday, November 19, 2005

man stabbed....

check out this link, i actually saw this guy there (cuz i was there) AND, i saw the cop there too calling. I actually told the cop that the guy looked like he was going into shock, and i was right (not a great thing to be right about) considering he lost alot of blood.

I'll write more about my trip, which was great but extremely expensive.....but check out this link. This guy was pretty bloodied up.


wow, at least he survived, i didn't think he would considering the officer didn't do any first aid whats so ever...

SO, to add to this blurb, i decided to walk to the fdr memorial along the path where this occurred, and whoa and behold...two cops later end up stopping this big black guy to question him. Can you guess who the big black guy was....? YUP, it was me, but they were nice about it, and didn't frisk me or anything. They actually took my advice to check the bathrooms : )

RD : )

Friday, November 11, 2005


I just finished day 8 of my 9 day work week. I've just pulled 84 hours, and 10 more to go : ( I'm tired : (

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Yup...i really am a bear. i figured i would just come clean and show you. : (

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

And the answer is......

if you can't guess....i'm really worried. I'm going to raleigh. My dumb cheapness though got me a flight with lay-overs. SO, on my way back i'm spending like 5 hours on the plane. That sucks. BUT, i'm sure someone could at least pick me up from the air-line though. Argh. I should have just booked to DC, rented a car did what i wanted to do there, and then head to NC then back to DC. I don't know if i would have liked that though. Argh, i should have just spent more for direct flights. : ( BUT, they were like a hundred more, so i could use that $ for lodging. BUT, hey, maybe i can get some reading done on the flight. SO, it can't all be bad : ) Now, i just have to arrange a rental car, and then lodging. Hopefully some friends will come through in NC, and who knows, maybe a friend of mine will come through in DC (highly doubtful since i haven't seen him for like....4 years : )

OH had a great time last weekend :) I went to a minority only party, but then people like dandruffy had to go ruin it!!!!!!! j/k :) It was alot of fun, we sang happy birday to this girl cuz i met a gang of drunk people and they were the type that when drunk, everything is a good idea type of drunk. Anyways, her name is tejal, and we called her flagyl. In case you didn't know...flagyl is an antibiotic commonly used for UTI's. SO, i thought that was very very very funny. Still do : ) In fact, imagine me laughing. : ) HAHAHAHA : )

Thursday, November 03, 2005

SO, i want to go somewhere. Where? I'm not sure. Actually i have no idea still. I'm thinking i'll just wait the last minute, pack, and then go. SO, i'll know nov. 9th or so where and what. SO, i'm going somewhere, but where? I'm sure you guessed....I don't know. Kind of like life though -if you think about it -you really don't know where it will take you, no matter how well you plan things. SO, i guess i'll practice the mantra of the late pilot of serenity...and be..."a leaf on the wind" : )

This week is going to be tough. I'm working 10pm - 8am today, then probably 4-10pm on friday, 9- 6pm on saturday, AND THEN finally....2pm - 10pm on sunday : ( Will be a tough weekend, but then again, i know tough people.... : ) granted i might not be one of them...at least i have their numbers : )

DRAMA!!!!! ALERT!!!!
there is none :( Does that mean one's life is boring? Don't know...but then again, there is quite a bit i don't know. Like, is gravity a push or a pull...., or just something in between? (if you have an answer to that question, I HATE YOU! AND THE SECRETS YOU KEEP FROM ME!!!! : )

OH, i guess there is some drama. My parents mentioned a girl in england they want me to meet in febuary and i instantly thought..."WOW! someone to show me around england!" Kind of sad, i really am pretty averse to the whole marriage thing right now but not someone to show me around. PLUS my dad and his friend are of the opinion we will totally get along since she's in pharmacy (in england) and Everyone knows how people of a profession always get along. I mean pharmacy school was like one giant love fest, so i'm sure its going to be the same across the atlantic. ITS LIKE, HELLO! I'm in a profession with thousands of women to 1 guy ration, and couldn't meat (thats not a mis-spelling by the way : ) a girl, in that environment, so how the heck am i suppose to get along with someone across the atlantic! And dare i mention 1776? DARE I! I think not.

I'm more than happy to meet people, even if they talk funny (i.e., think british) : ) I just want to travel. Kind of sucks traveling alone though, but it tends to work out though if you meet up with people in the land your visiting. Plus one's travel partner must always be highly flexible and not on Team B. : )

I remember when i visited Tanvi and i literally didn't have a conversation with anyone (NY of all places, and its full of people ) until i met up with her. OH i spoke to rupal yesterday! Quite the highlight, i am beginning to think she really is in india...it was quite amazing though, even though she's thousands miles away...she still managed to screen 273 of my 274 phone calls. Quite diablolical.

Anyways, i know they don't read this, but a giant shout out to nate, eric , and ajit. They really helped out in getting most of my stuff out of the apartment. Always have to appreciate that. : )

RD : )

Tuesday, November 01, 2005



It was great seeing the leader this past sunday morning. Had a great time at breakfast : ) It was good seeing him....leader...he does look alot smarter.... : ) As for me, i've been working overnights. Don't mind it. 10pm -8am.

SO, Nov. 14th - 18th, i'm off work. Thats awesome. SO, i'm looking into a trip. I'm not sure where. I'm thinking of even splurging (not like i've not been) and going somewhere like NC or LA. I'm might visit sap, i was thinking of visiting my friend in atlanta, but he's busy with work.

Plus when i talked to him he said he has alot going on. My one rule of visiting people is not to cause more stress in their lives. So, i have a couple of friends in LA, so i could probably go there...or.....go to birmingham, alabama...or North Carolina. NC is kind of up in the air too, cuz if i go there, i really don't know anyone out there, except sru and kalit. SOooooo, i don't know. I think it would be cool to go around the duke campus though and check it out. I'll probably study something too...exactly what, i'm not sure. Maybe just read something.

I also want to go to DC. Montreal, Canada would be neat too. Oh well. Not sure, but i know i'll be going somewhere : )

RD : )

P.S. I was suppose to have a picture of "leader" on here, but i'll have to wait now : ( Stupid upload isn't working! : (