It was great seeing the leader this past sunday morning. Had a great time at breakfast : ) It was good seeing him....leader...he does look alot smarter.... : ) As for me, i've been working overnights. Don't mind it. 10pm -8am.
SO, Nov. 14th - 18th, i'm off work. Thats awesome. SO, i'm looking into a trip. I'm not sure where. I'm thinking of even splurging (not like i've not been) and going somewhere like NC or LA. I'm might visit sap, i was thinking of visiting my friend in atlanta, but he's busy with work.
Plus when i talked to him he said he has alot going on. My one rule of visiting people is not to cause more stress in their lives. So, i have a couple of friends in LA, so i could probably go there...or.....go to birmingham, alabama...or North Carolina. NC is kind of up in the air too, cuz if i go there, i really don't know anyone out there, except sru and kalit. SOooooo, i don't know. I think it would be cool to go around the duke campus though and check it out. I'll probably study something too...exactly what, i'm not sure. Maybe just read something.
I also want to go to DC. Montreal, Canada would be neat too. Oh well. Not sure, but i know i'll be going somewhere : )
RD : )
P.S. I was suppose to have a picture of "leader" on here, but i'll have to wait now : ( Stupid upload isn't working! : (
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