Thursday, September 15, 2005

Procrastinator's folly.........

SO, i talked to the landlord a couple of days ago about us moving out....and well....the lease says we have to give 30 days. Fine, i can work with that. BUT, it also says that the notice is only applicable till the end of the month. SO....

say if we give the notice on september 7, then the notice is applicable for OCT. 31. And to take from freeman's lay out....

question: What does this mean?

Answer: It means amar/amit well be incredibly angry with me. Does this make sense...? Nope. They could have done the notification themselves...but did they....? NOPE. BUT, in the spirit of blaming others for things one themselves could have done, they will blame me. They will ask questions like, "why you no do earlier it?!" Or make statements like..."me paying no!" "you it pay" and so forth. In fact, i didn't feel like it was my place to inform them as of yet. They also may go into a fit of jumping around and screaming at the top of their lungs, thus proving that we really did evolve from apes, maybe thats why neither is fond of mud monkey...?: )

NIHAR! so i was talking to my dad, and he was just telling me about amardeep when he was little, and you will not believe what he said. Amardeep would go around calling people dumee. My dad said no one really understood what he was saying, but they knew. (I guess we were 3-4years old). SO, his nick name of dum dum might have been more prophetic than either of us could have imagined : )

Honestly, its not too bad. We now have time to clean up the place. We can even do repairs. But the deposit does not really equal to having the place another month. But it does somewhat cancel out the extra fee. Maybe we can have one last party there. Who knows. But either way, if we do come up with the cash it would be 367 each. Not too bad. So for amardeep and I, it would end up being an end of the month payment of 480 + 367 = somewhere around 900 or so. Thats almost a grand. Not good. : (

Question: A GRAND!

Answer: thats not a question....thats just a statment of horrorible realization.

SO to say the least......this does suck. Its soooo funny, i'm going to be working 40 hours next week for the first time in soooo long, and at an incredible wage in my opinion. What allllll of these expenses are coming out of the wood work (i.e., think roaches : ). Funny how life has a funny way to keep you broke (but then again, i might have had given life alot of help in this one : )

SO, maybe we can find someone to sublease for the month, or even take over for the month of october. Maybe something could be worked out with the land lord. Annual payments? I don't know. All i do know is that i shall be a goat when they find out, and maybe i am. Maybe it is my fault for taking responsibility, for the irresponsible do tend to have a tenacity of blaming the responsible events on the.....responsible.... : (


Blogger blogdude2 said...

it sounds like your roommates are not proving that we evolved from apes but instead are themselves devolving into apes. it's like that simpsons episode where people thought homer was the missing link and they did all sorts of tests on him but they results were inconclusive and all they could come up with was that he was either an intelligent beast or a dim-witted human.

7:45 PM  

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