Saturday, November 19, 2005

man stabbed....

check out this link, i actually saw this guy there (cuz i was there) AND, i saw the cop there too calling. I actually told the cop that the guy looked like he was going into shock, and i was right (not a great thing to be right about) considering he lost alot of blood.

I'll write more about my trip, which was great but extremely expensive.....but check out this link. This guy was pretty bloodied up.

wow, at least he survived, i didn't think he would considering the officer didn't do any first aid whats so ever...

SO, to add to this blurb, i decided to walk to the fdr memorial along the path where this occurred, and whoa and behold...two cops later end up stopping this big black guy to question him. Can you guess who the big black guy was....? YUP, it was me, but they were nice about it, and didn't frisk me or anything. They actually took my advice to check the bathrooms : )

RD : )


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