Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Well, not really. I think my real epiphany was in NY. I realized that increased density in the number of people makes it possible for support of diversity. Like you'll have more specific shops, and a more diverse dining experience. Arts are possible to be supported too. Why? Cuz the number of people can support such a dynamic. Plus with places highly relient on public trans, small and tiny shops would be more economically as well as sustainable.

That could be total bullshit though : )

My second epiphany realized tonight was.....my blogspot name. Lonelybear. It is closely related to lonelybeer. In fact, if one had some type of accent, i the writer of this blog would have a severely difficult time to...distinguish between the two. Coincidence...? I think not.

As most of you know, since july 4th....i've gone pretty sober. I've only drank 3 times now since that day. Only once did i drink to a buzz (3 beers! :) SO, was my blogspot name foreshadowing of the doom that has enshrouded me...? I think so. Cuz, whenever i drive by i really believe all those beers out there....miss me. I think, there must be pretty a lonely beer with my name on it.

Thats a total lie though. The last paragraph. The truth is that i'm lonely with out my beer :(. I especially miss blue moon. Gosh, that such a good beer. I said it before and i'll say it again...its a summer beer. If you had to name the season that went with what beer, blue moon would definitely go with summer. I think spring would be a sierra nevada and winter would be a guinness by a fire. As for fall, i would still have to say blue moon, cuz even though the summer just left, the blue moon can remind someone of the great summer they had. : ) SO, this blog is to you...beer. To all those beers that i've not been drinking : (

OH, i've taken my law exam for pharmacy and i feel good about it : ) I didn't feel good about the naplex and i passed pretty well, so i wonder if the opposite will occur....which is quite the scary thought.

SO, getting those exams done, my reward is to....go to cali. I'm primarily visiting diana, but she's not going to be around till saturday. I'm flying in on thursday, and will probably go hiking on thursday, meet up with bobby on thursday night (stay in stockton) and probably party with him on friday, meet up with diana saturday afternoon, and then hopefully meet up with smita on sunday for lunch/dinner. Hopefully nainani will head out there too.

RD : )

Friday, August 26, 2005

Its late

And i'm hungry : ( Anyways, i'm thinking i should write an e-mail to people i want to stay in touch with so i can actually have visitors to my page. I do appreciates silent fart's one-liners now and then. Which leaves the question...when's the draft?

So i'm taking the law exam this saturday. I'm glad i moved it, but now i wish i moved it to monday. Aparmtent stuff is a mess. Didn't notify present land lord of not staying. OOPS.

Well in other news i'm really thinking of going to the west coast. Either arizona or cali. I have some friends out there. I was thinking about it, and i kind of realized that not much is really holding me back in IL. You could say family and friends, but...realistically....most of my friends are going on with their lives. Which leaves family. But i barely see them as it is.

After exploring NY, i realized i really enjoy exploring new areas. I think it would be neat to explore the bay area or phoenix. In phoenix i have some acquintances out there (steve nash, you might have heard of him...?). I don't know. I did transfer my scores out there, so i guess wait and see what happens.

I hate insomnia.

RD : )

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


JOHNSON WAS RIGHT! If you transfer your score to arizona, you find out within 10 days!!!!

I PASSED THE NAPLEX!!!!!!! the mininum is 75, i passed is all that matters. I think i've gotten the lowest score, everyone else i've heard have gotten triple digits, but you know what...i don't care! I thought i failed so, i'll take what i can get.

HALF WAY DONE! and some peace of mind. I have found new motivation. Honestly, i thought some how i would hit triple digits, but oh well. Luck only takes you so far, and considering how much i really studied, i don't even deserve the score i got. I use to joke around with my efficiency graph, but man....efficiency is a pretty stressful life. Now I know what they mean by living on the border. Scares the crap out of me with law though now. I can't believe it. I'm a happy camper. WOO HOO!!!!! Half way to being a bona fide pharmacist....: )

RD : )

I (heart) NY

Just got back. Well, if you consider getting into chicago yesterday morning "i just got back", then...i just got back : )

ALL i have to say....I LOVED NY. I loved it sooooo much that i'm thinking of trying to get licensed out there. WOW! I'm still shocked how awesome it is. Its definitely the city that never sleeps.

SO, if i had to rank my top three cities....

1. NY
2. Chicago
3. Sanfran.....


I would insert a picture of ny, but uploading pictures requires downloading them : )

I will write more about it : )

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Light in the pile of Shit

So, i'm in NY, wait in line for relatively cheap tickets ($50)...and get tickets to a broadway place that has one 6 tony awards! SIX! count that....1,2,3 SIX! Okay, i'm glad thats clear....

THE PLAY SUCKED! It was so dumb! The premise was just....crazy! There wasn't really even an antagonist! No depth whats so ever. The play was titled light in the piazza. Yeah, i thought it was going to be about pizza too.

SO, the premise of the worlds dumbest play was....girl who has something wrong with her (which is later to be revealed that she is retarded, 26 years old)...and she's not sure whats wrong with her. Guy wants to marry her (who's 20). SO, how did this girl get "mentally/emotionally undeveloped.....I'll let you guess for a little bit.....

Not sure yet...

Did any of you guess...."Kicked in back of head at 9 year old birthday party, by pony" ? YOU DIDN'T YOU SAY!!!! Well...neither did i.

And the entire play is pretty much about how guy loves girl, girl loves guy, but mom doesn't tell family of guys. ARGH! I can't believe this was a play! So, near the end of the play the girl over hears her mom talking to father about her being different and stuff...so girl runs off to future husband to tell him how he can't marry her cuz something is wrong with her...but she doesn't know what.

SO THIS IS WHERE I LITERALLY LOSE IT! I just find the whole premise now too much. Too funny. My friends initially thought i was crying, but i was biting my lip, arm, and covering my face. The whole place was silent, and here i was just losing it. It was hysterical. I really thought that she was going to tell him how she was kicked in the back of the head by a pony. Then i thought the scar in the back of her head (which they mentioned earlier) must have looked like a hoof print. HELLO, FUTURE HUSBAND! Isn't that a clue your girls been kicked in the back of the head if it looks like a hoof print? HELLO!

anyways, i was able to somewhat suppress my laughter, and thankfully it was near the end of the play. I just bursted out laughing when they were getting their standing ovation. SO SILLY!

Girl kicked in back of head, mentally slow, can't get married cuz everyone knows she's slow. I don't see the drama in this. And honestly, if i thought/knew my kid was slow, i would have been offended by this play. It amazes me. And the smoking in the play was insane too. I guess people got a kick out of the play cuz they got to smoke indoors in NY.

I still liked the play though. Not becuase it was so great, but because i haven't laughed that hard in a long time. : )

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Testing....1, 2, OMG SOMEONE HELP ME!!!

I'm taking my naplex tomorrow :( VERY scared :( I guess i should be studying and such...but....i feel like a deer staring at some head lights.... :(

Friday, August 12, 2005


SO all the sites for my exam were filled in chicago. SO, i had to move it to sycamore, IL. SO, i checked the dates today...and a bunch of people canceled there dates! SO, i'll be taking the exam in chicago on monday...which makes things alot more convenient! Plus i get to save a hundred dollars from going there (room/gas/food). :) I'm a happy camper.

As for the exam...quite scared now. Don't feel like i know anything : (

but its nice to know that i'm not the only person pushing the exam back every couple of days :) There are more people like me....out there :)


i'm tired today. Came back from raju's which was fun. Interesting when old friends get together, we all revert back to what we once were....and in this case.....i didn't know we could revert back : ) AGAIN, not too fun when one is sober.

I wonder if it is a perspective thing though. Maybe i feel like i'm not having too fun, but that is in relation to the drunk - who are having tons of fun. So to me, it may seem like i'm not having too much fun...when i in fact...i am...but in relation to the drunk...i'm not : ) In fact, i haven't had too much since going sober since JULY 4th :(

RD : )

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Odds are....

My friend from high school is having a very bad year. First her dad is diagnosed with brain cancer and has about 4 months to live. He is practically decaying mentally before her eyes. Her neighbor has passed away a couple of weeks ago. Now her best friend (and my friend from high school whom i lost touch with) for 18 years has now passed away. She was pregnant and died in a car accident.

I don't know how my friend is going to handle all this. I don't even know how to help her out. I want to, and i feel really sad for her...for on top of all this she's still working her job, and i believe taking some classes. I really wish there was something i could do.


I've moved the naplex too monday now. Whenever the exam gets about 3 days close i moved it. I think the primary motive was how amar and silent fart started laughing and commenting when i was taking some practice questions. When you get a question wrong, it makes this little annoying bing. They started laughing at how often i got them wong. So to say the least....things were put into perspective :)

Sunday, August 07, 2005


In retrospect of yesterday, i think i was being quite negative. I think i was overwhelmed with the past that i started thinking of the past. I kept thinking of bygone times instead of the present or future times. Quite the buzz kill. I think for now on...whenever attending future events or so...i'll embark on thinking of the present moment as the making of the future...and a clean slate. I think Kalit was the perfect example of my behavior.

I think the past can not take such prominence at the cost of the present, for the past's place is in...the past. BUT, i've been known to be wrong before : )

RD : )

This is the end.....?

Went to a wedding tonight, and to sum it up....i felt my biological clock ticking. And you though only women had that : (

RD : )

Friday, August 05, 2005

Useless drivel.....of the paranoid : )

Does anyone actually read this other than silent fart? Cuz i want to write what i think about you and tell the world of the vile things you have done...but...

Imagine how awkard things would be at our next encounter.... : )

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Back Attack!

My back hurts. Its the lower back, and i'm trying to study. Yesterday was a failed attempt of pulling an all nighter to study. I use to be so good at those (4 months ago to be exact) :( What happened? Didn't wake up till 1pm, and then my brain sabotaged me!

Basically my brain forgot to bring my wallet. So when i got to the place i wanted to study at, i ended up having to go back to go get my wallet. I guess my brain didn't want to learn anything new...who would have known brains could be sooooo diabolical! Right now i think its going to try and procrastinate...but you wait brain....i'll get you yet!

Also, i'm not sure if kim is reading this or not...but i think she's wittier than silent fart : ) In fact...it pains me to say....i think she might even be wittier than me....: ( But silent fart says she has an advantage most people don't...she lives five minutes in the future. Well, he didn't exactly say that, but i'm assuming thats what he meant when he said she's a step ahead of everyone else : ) I can't wait for the day when i'm five minutes into the future! : )