Sunday, July 30, 2006

quick update...

Going to arizona tomorrow.
Haven't packed, work till 8am, have one hour to get fully ready.

going from mon- friday.

If I find that this is very cool, will probably do it.

Well probably go in december.

I'm thinking i'm just going to work a shit load in september/october.

OH, had a blast on my last weekend off.

Work is still work. I can see how people can get use to the routine.

Anyways, the big news is going to barcelona 9/11 - 9/18 th with silent fart. I'm pretty excited about it!

RD : )

Monday, July 24, 2006

First rule of blogging....

SO, it seems like there is this un-written rule of blogging. If one blogs, one shall not speak of it. Like it can kind of be mentioned but it can't. And one is never to use real names. The unwritten rules, but, I have to attribute, i saw this on a friend of mine blog. He actually has a really interesting blog, but anyways, i just found this to be hilarious.

Its kind of this story, a friend of mine told me. He was in his car with his wife and i guess they were hitting these bugs that were making these loud popping sounds. His wife commented on how loud the bugs were. And my friend says " we're hitting them at 65 miles per hour", and she replies, fully serious "i didn't know bugs could fly that fast". He just looks at her, and was speechless. Thats how i feel about this video. I dare not ask how/why or what was going through these peoples head...

RDeep thoughts....

Seriously though, i am finding myself at a cusp. I'm just not sure and as with the clock ticking...I feel I must hurry. But to what and where? I don't know. But i do know i'm tired of just letting life take me whereever. Granted, it did take me to sound-bar/ map room this weekend, which in my opinion, was really nice of it. Thanks life!

But i digress. I guess i've lived most of my life with some goal. Except for my first two years of undergrad. I find it interesting in those years i had no goal back then. I just did whatever, and things were a mess. Now, things are great. I've probably have more than i've ever had in regards to stability as well as a community, but something is just a miss.

I sometimes wonder if life must be lived with some type of meaning. Is the saying that "if you live for nothing you'll die for nothing" true? That quote is from star trek - in case your wondering - by a pointed ear friend. Again, i don't know. Plus its not very fun asking questions in which one does know the answer to :) Its great going to school, cuz you know what your aiming for, and its easy for your told what you need to do. But now there is no syllabus. I do know i don't want to settle down (granted there's not too many people i can settle down with, aka, zero) BUT irregardless i guess the nomad in me wants to go roaming.

If I do, i'm leaving quite a bit; figuratively as well as literally. My parents are in good health, and I will be able to spend even less time with them if i go roaming. I don't know. But, I believe the fact of the situation is that if I do remain in chicago, chances are...I should not expect things to be very different from the month before. Unless i do something differnt. I think the scariest thing though concerning change though is that sometimes you don't know how good you really have it...till its gone.

I guess what i can't seem to understand, there is so much to see and learn about the world, the idea of building a nest just seems so insane to me.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

walk this way

My back was killing me on tuesday morning. Slightly hurting on sunday, more so on monday, and absolutely killing on tuesday.

So, what do I do when my back is killing me? I do what any irrational individual would do. I go get walked on. Your probably now wondering what in the world is RD talking about now.

Well, Tuesday i made an appointment with the massage place (i say massage place, cuz it makes me feel a little more manly than saying spa). I make my appointment and ask for the deepest tissue massage they have to offer...and i'll accept nothing less!


MY BACK FEELS GREAT! I feel like a million bucks again. Well, a million point four, if i adjust for inflation.

The part i feel disturbing though is that the massage i had was the ashiatsu. No big deal right? Well, basically its this lady who walk all over you. They basically stand on you to give you your massage. Again, no big deal...right? WELL...I found it kind of odd that the lady who was walking all over me was at least...8 months pregnant. Which left me with two thoughts...?

1. "I wonder how many people in this world who have been walked all over upon, by a pregnant lady...literally?"

2. "Am i going to be charged double?"


p.s. And no, i wasn't charged double :)

walk this way

My back was killing me on tuesday morning. Slightly hurting on sunday, more so on monday, and absolutely killing on tuesday.

So, what do I do when my back is killing me? I do what any irrational individual would do. I go get walked on. Your probably now wondering what in the world is RD talking about now.

Well, Tuesday i made an appointment with the massage place (i say massage place, cuz it makes me feel a little more manly than saying spa). I make my appointment and ask for the deepest tissue massage they have to offer...and i'll accept nothing less!


MY BACK FEELS GREAT! I feel like a million bucks again. Well, a million point four, if i adjust for inflation.

The part i feel disturbing though is that the massage i had was the ashiatsu. No big deal right? Well, basically its this lady who walk all over you. They basically stand on you to give you your massage. Again, no big deal...right? WELL...I found it kind of odd that the lady who was walking all over me was at least...8 months pregnant. Which left me with two thoughts...?

1. "I wonder how many people in this world who have been walked all over upon, by a pregnant lady...literally?"

2. "Am i going to be charged double?"


p.s. And no, i wasn't charged double :)

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Another fun quote...

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Neat Quote

I found this quote to be kind of interesting...

"Reality is only what you believe it to be...and if your not of the majority, then your crazy"

"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one."
- Malcolm Forbes

"Some things have to be believed to be seen."
- Ralph Hodgson

rd :)

Monday, July 10, 2006

My room is a ...

MESS! It is an absolute mess. : ( I was sooo excited today, before i left, i thought to myself "my room will be clean!". Its not. I sometimes wonder if one's room is a reflection of one's room. So what would my room be saying................

RD's Room said, "And a millions things are everywhere. I know you want to remind yourself of all the stuff you have to do, but having it in sight and doing nothing about it is not going to get anything done! Instead of hiding me in a pile of stuff you want to do, why don't you just do it."

For some reason i don't think this is what my room is saying. I think this is more of why my room is the way it presently looks.

SO, if i was to look at this room, what would i think of the person who lives there? (sometimes i think the most important part of an answer is the very question itself) SO, now what is my room reflecting...

I would think that the person who lives here has a bunch of "shit" going on, considers family and friends important, somewhat imature, and likes to travel.
I would also have to say...easy going. Why? In order to tolerate this mess, one really has to be quite easy going. I swear, if ADHD had a poster, it would be my room.

I say this...because...

Shit would be all the papers i have around.
family, cuz i have pictures family and friends
imature, cuz i have a shrek and homer doll (i admit it!, and i bit you do too!)
travel, cuz of my calendar, it has a bunch of pictures of around the world. Very neat.

So whats going on with me? I've decided to go. Maybe its a life crisis, but i have the ability right now to just pick up and go, and i can't help but ask myself...why not? So, i'm going to look into the indian health services. A friend of mine was there for six weeks and she said its tough being there by yourself, but...i dont know. I kind of think of it as a pilgrimage. Why do i think i'll find answers there? I won't. I know i'll be in the same boat when i'm done. Probably in not as great of a situation as i am now, but nonetheless...

Anyways, i'm getting tired, and have alot to do. Like clean up my room today (this is also a technicality, considering i will probably sleep right now for 8 hours and then get up at like 1pm and then bum around, but it will still be the same day : )

RD : )

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I think we're craaaaazzzzyyyyy

Had a wonderful time this past week so far. Pretty crazy if you look at how everything worked out, but i guess thats the wonderful thing of things working out. Went white water rafting (pic hopefully coming soon)! That was definitely something i just never thought i would do.

Also went to a really fun wedding, met some really great people and saw denver/boulder thanks to rups. Again, something i just never thought i would do.

THEN, came out to cali to visit my brother and sister n law and they set me up on a blind date. First blind date ever! I literally felt like i was on the show "blind date" ! It was craaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzy. I kept looking around for the cameras but couldn't find them no matter what i tried. I think she might thought it was weird of me rummaging through the bushes and yelling at people for following us, but nonetheless, a good time.

SAW SUPER MAN RETURNS! It was good, but i think you'll only like it if you just like the whole super man deal...which, i'm sure you can guess...i do. : )

Anyways, getting a ride to the airport and killing some time. Its going to be four hours and i have no reading materials with its going to be a really looonnnnggggg flight, but oh well.

THEN tomorrow, i have the dilemma of trying to get my suit cleaned in less than a day for a wedding on saturday (@8am!). Can it be done? I'll let you know. : )

RD : )