MESS! It is an absolute mess. : ( I was sooo excited today, before i left, i thought to myself "my room will be clean!". Its not. I sometimes wonder if one's room is a reflection of one's room. So what would my room be saying................
RD's Room said, "And a millions things are everywhere. I know you want to remind yourself of all the stuff you have to do, but having it in sight and doing nothing about it is not going to get anything done! Instead of hiding me in a pile of stuff you want to do, why don't you just do it."
For some reason i don't think this is what my room is saying. I think this is more of why my room is the way it presently looks.
SO, if i was to look at this room, what would i think of the person who lives there? (sometimes i think the most important part of an answer is the very question itself) SO, now what is my room reflecting...
I would think that the person who lives here has a bunch of "shit" going on, considers family and friends important, somewhat imature, and likes to travel.
I would also have to say...easy going. Why? In order to tolerate this mess, one really has to be quite easy going. I swear, if ADHD had a poster, it would be my room.
I say this...because...
Shit would be all the papers i have around.
family, cuz i have pictures family and friends
imature, cuz i have a shrek and homer doll (i admit it!, and i bit you do too!)
travel, cuz of my calendar, it has a bunch of pictures of around the world. Very neat.
So whats going on with me? I've decided to go. Maybe its a life crisis, but i have the ability right now to just pick up and go, and i can't help but ask myself...why not? So, i'm going to look into the indian health services. A friend of mine was there for six weeks and she said its tough being there by yourself, but...i dont know. I kind of think of it as a pilgrimage. Why do i think i'll find answers there? I won't. I know i'll be in the same boat when i'm done. Probably in not as great of a situation as i am now, but nonetheless...
Anyways, i'm getting tired, and have alot to do. Like clean up my room today (this is also a technicality, considering i will probably sleep right now for 8 hours and then get up at like 1pm and then bum around, but it will still be the same day : )
RD : )