Thursday, April 27, 2006

Sometimes you look to the sun and the

the sun shines back, just for you. TODAY was another incredible day. Today was just one of those days - its like you look up at the sky, and sky is smiling back. Its just you can't ask more of the world, its like your on the highway of life, pull over, look around and is good. The grass is greener where i'm standing - vivid green according to canon : )

Went to the museum of science and industry today. I was a little embarrassed, cuz a friend of mine went too, and it was really the first time anyone really witnessed the live and supercharged nerd in me. BUT MY FRIEND STARTED TAKING NOTES AT THE EXHIBIT!!!!!!! I felt soooo much bettter : )

Then went on a quick bike ride, and had a wonderful lunch with rups, saw some amazing pics of india (national geographic quality, mind you) and THEN, off to the bulls game (playoffs!).

OH, panicked, cuz i thought i lost brad's keys (he came back today) but the keys turned out to be in the last place i looked (granted, if i continued looking for them, i might have turned out to be the epitomy of sophistication : ) !

THEN the bulls game was awesome, great seats! Had alot of fun with Amardeep. OH, AND MICHAEL JORDAN! The man, the inventor, the genius WAS SITTING IN THE FANCY BOXES RIGHT BEHIND US!!!! I GOT HIS PICTURE, granted with zooom - and he wasn't aware of such acts, but nonetheless, to be in HIS presence...well, it goes to show that miracles still really do happen : ) I'll post his pics once i upload them.

And now, finally, i'm just chilling at my place with some music that amardeep hooked up. AMAZING stuff. I wish i could figure a way to put music on here, or at least MP3s.



rd : )

p.s. Now its sleep time : )

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I've decided to go international. And to be more indian, and what better way to prove that i'm more indian by putting up a video in which the lyrics i do not understand! : )

Actually this video is amazing in that it is real train moving with people really dancing on it. I guess it might be safe to assume there is no OSHA in india : )

RD : )

Monday, April 24, 2006


Today was awesome! I framed my very first two pictures! I'm actually quite impressed! The first framing was quite the adventure. Wasted two sheets of paper, but finally figured it out. Did you know that if you buy a 8 x 10 picture frame, a 8 x 11 sheet of paper probably won't work : ( ? Well, if you did, i would have appreciated that information before today, but nonetheless, today was still great!

OH, then ashish, anand, and sabrian (ashish's wife) came by, and we all went biking! I was kind of scared for sabrina, cuz she stated before coming down, "i don't think i remember how to ride a bike..?". Which, needless to say, they probably don't use the phrase "like riding a bike" in canada (she's canadian : )

SO, we rode down to navy pier, and then back and played foot ball frisbee that was quite fun. It was really interesting to see sabrina totally confused about the concept of football. Sometimes we were like, "your kidding" but she wasn't. Very interesting,

SO, i'm trying to make it up to 8-9pm. I'm hoping to play poker tonight. I might go to braj's, not sure yet. Actually i'm pretty sure i am,

So, in the words of ice-cube...

"it was a good day"

RD : )

Sunday, April 23, 2006

So True,

And shift, till 7 off : ) I'm actually going to stay in chicago AND go to mcgee's on tuesday, so i'm excited! : )

PLANS for Week off

1. Tuesday- mcgee's
3. Hit Gym (with giant sledge hammer )
4. Possibly go to champaign
5. Be flaky
6. Finish book on parasites
7. Return stuff at frys
8. Print pictures!
9. Hang pictures
10. Clean apartment/desk/ set up filing system
11. redo filing system, cuz i don't know how to do a filing system
12 check gmail 50 million times for that one e-mail i will never get : )
13. Discover new way to piss off roommate with out trying : )
14. Visit parents (weekend most likely)
15. dinner with brad
16. Possibly just walk randomly around chicago : )

this list is under construction : )

RD : )

Saturday, April 22, 2006

7 days and 7 nights....

I'm tired. I want to go to a place like this. Sometimes, i would just like to just pick up and go. Not travel, but just go and explore. Maybe a slower pace place is all i need. Oh well.

Currently, i'm reading a book on parasites. Seriously, i think this book should be classfied from non-fiction to horror. If you like horror books, then i would recommend this book to you. (i'm tempted to say, don't worry, its not about lawyers, but i won't! I won't fall or go for the cliche!) I jus wont : )

But this book is seriously challenging my love of sushi. Google "hook worms", if your interested in a sampling of the topics. If your feeling especially brave, google images "hook worms", and be prepared to be terrified.

I decided to put a picture of a hook worm on here and save you the trouble, thank me later : )

what this bugger does, it basically chews up your insides. Whats crazier, it releases enzymes so your intestines don't clot. That way, it doesn't suck up on scabs. At least we know where some inspirations for monsters come from (i.e. starwars)

IF your feeling especially brave, i suggest checking out this link. But again, do at your own risk, for its incredibly incredbily frightening ! I didn't have the stomach for it (no pun intended)

: )
AGAIN - WARNING, check out this link below AT YOUR OWN RISK! The images are truly grusome, and i still think this warning is an understatement!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

So, this kind of summarizes my weekend. Went to a wedding, hung out with rupal, and took two really cool pictures! I'm still pretty impressed with the pics. Can you guess what two are the really cool pics? : ) Now, i'm back at work this week : (

Went to the gym to do a quick work out (to gauge myself) and definitely need to get back there. I'm pretty excited about my next week off. I'm going to stay in chicago, and i'm debating about going to champaign. Not exactly sure yet. I kind of want to see them blasted law students again.
Its kind of shocking, but compared to alot of the people i've met in the health field, alot of them strike me as alot more friendlier. Or maybe just more inebriated : ) I don't know, but i would like to see them all before they all go out and begin to sue me : ) and who knows, maybe some of them will even defend me one day - from that blasted sox fan : ) Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 14, 2006

Chicago style

At Sapa, with the grim brother reapers. Jay scared the jabeezers out of some people and ended up getting free drinks all night : ( Immigrating to chicago
Another pic of the great city of big well as guts : )
 Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 07, 2006

Another one bites the dust.....

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


So, long story short, a friend's father passed away.

At first i was okay with it all, didn't really hit me, plus he was in hospice care, and i have visited him and so forth. So, i prepared my self. But the way my manager went about it was astounding. And i learned something too...

I do not want a boss. This episode has re-motivated me to put myself in positions where I don't have to put up with this, and fight for funeral leave. Its ridiculous, and what amazes me, we work in a field where we facilate the health needs of people, kind of ironic we can't do the same for co-workers.

Then again, this experience is allowing to motivate me to open avenues for myself versus being complacent with the position i was/am at.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Are You _______ ?

A friend of mine asked me ..."are you happy?" I had to actually think about it. Such a simple question, but such a complex answer. I was really taken aback by it. What was really amazing, i don't think anyone has ever asked me that before... What's funny about this question, is that it starts (at least for me) having me thinking about things, as well as poses different questions of why's and so forth...hmmm, still makes me wonder.

so my question to you..."are you?".....
This is central park, i played around with (special effects). SO, i think it came out even better :)

NY was a great trip. Went with summer! I think its the longest we've hung out the past 8 years or so! But she is an awesome person to travel with, very flexible, and easy going. Her love of shops (i think if she could she would really love to go back and visit every store in NY : ) was especially....admirable...

SO, saw tanvi, and hung out with amit and dave. They were a blast to party with. Sad story though, i basically ended up puking on the flight back, do to excessive alcohol.

The united staff though were awesome though, and understanding! I was really surprised. What was even more ironic, my seat was the seat closest to the bathroom. Its almost like i subliminally was planning on needing a seat closest to the bathroom! ME SO SMRAT : ) Posted by Picasa