7 days and 7 nights....
I'm tired. I want to go to a place like this. Sometimes, i would just like to just pick up and go. Not travel, but just go and explore. Maybe a slower pace place is all i need. Oh well.
Currently, i'm reading a book on parasites. Seriously, i think this book should be classfied from non-fiction to horror. If you like horror books, then i would recommend this book to you. (i'm tempted to say, don't worry, its not about lawyers, but i won't! I won't fall or go for the cliche!) I jus wont : )
But this book is seriously challenging my love of sushi. Google "hook worms", if your interested in a sampling of the topics. If your feeling especially brave, google images "hook worms", and be prepared to be terrified.
I decided to put a picture of a hook worm on here and save you the trouble, thank me later : )

IF your feeling especially brave, i suggest checking out this link. But again, do at your own risk, for its incredibly incredbily frightening ! I didn't have the stomach for it (no pun intended)
: )
AGAIN - WARNING, check out this link below AT YOUR OWN RISK! The images are truly grusome, and i still think this warning is an understatement!
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