Thursday, July 28, 2005


So, i get back this weekend and my alarm is unplugged. Well, thats what i can gather from it being on the floor and unplugged. Not exactly the first time for this to happen....

I get up and i plug in the alarm and start setting the alarm. It was then i noticed the alarm was...different (or more unique than usually). There was a dent in well as not all of the led was showing. Basically, i could only see half of the numbers. I also noticed some of the buttons missing. I began to wonder....

So yesterday i see my roommate for the first time in a long and before going to bed i see the "unique" alarm clock. I go back to the living room and inquire about the alarm clock. He smiles abashadly. He then informs me how it always goes off for the longest time and on saturday it never went off. He then decided on the novel mechanism - which seemed entirely logical - of grabbing his baseball bat and applying it to the said alarm clock. Needless to say, this did acheive the desired results. Granted this snooze was going to last indefinitely. :)

And we all thought that stuff happened in movies :) I still find this quite hilarious. You just don't expect this stuff to happen. I mean you just don't look at your roommate and think "wow, i bet some day he's going to smash my alarm clock!". In fact if I am to ever get into disagreements with him, i'll scream in horror "please don't get your baseball bat and treat me as an alarm clock!" and then proceed into fetal position :) In all fairness, he did offer me his alarm clock but i just didn't have the same urge to smash it with a baseball bat. Alarm clocks just don't seem to incite the same passion as they do as in my brother. : )

You have to admit though, it was a good alarm clock. To wake up the person in the next room and procur them into aggressive physical that is quite priceless. You just can't buy that anywhere : )

SO this blog is to you...oh alarm clock. To the countless mornings/afternoons in which you awoken me. To the numerous times you shined so brightly upon me innumerating me with your...numeration :) To you...and i'm not exactly sure what alarm clock heaven is like...but i do hope you keep on ticking.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Phuqked up : (

I hate myself for what i did last night. Actually i don't hate myself, but i'm disgusted with myself. But damn it! Nature was calling : (

Friday, July 22, 2005


SO, i got obsessed with potter, and finished his book in pretty much two days :( I thought it was a pretty good book. I guessed Malfoy's mission, but the ending was pretty sad. OH, i also think i figured the initials REB. I think they stand for Harry's Potter God father's brothers. Just a guess, but i guess i won't really know until two years from now.

I'm pushing my exam back a week. Hopefully i'll have the courage to take it then. Hopefully i'll even have studied too :)

Well, Dr. P almost died too. His was much worse and he's definitely lucky to be alive. His appendix actually bursted and he didn't seek treatment for 3 days. wow.

RD :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

6th sense....

I have a bad feeling about something...but i'm not sure what.....

I think its my UIC job...i kind of left on bad terms. Basically, i owed them hours but i think its because i didn't always clock in/out. SO, they think i might owe them alot, when i don't. Oh well. What sucks is i proved them right about not being qualified to do a brainless job, but thats me....always helping people to prove themselves right :)

No one writes on their blogs anymore.

OH, you know how was "cropped on" ? Ended up seeing Wedding Crashers with her. Go figure. It was quite nice of her to inform me she cropped me. She said that she liked how she looked in it. I then exclaimed what about how i looked! She said my arm is nice. And i couldn't really say anything to that...cuz my arm is quite nice :)

Studying for boards but i'm probably going to push it back a week. Bobby's bday was yesterday, we're just going to go out to dinner this friday. Dilemma is that another friend of mine is also celebrating her bday on friday @ natcional 27. I'm sure something will work out.

OH, an awesome ode to nice guys was sent to me. It was kind of irritating to read, cuz so many times i've counseled on how their boy friend's aren't jerks and stuff. Sometimes i really think i should have gone into counseling. I wonder if girls talk to their boyfriends about nice guys...? :)
I think silent fart will really relate to the whole nice guy thing though :)

RD :)

Monday, July 18, 2005

At the crack of dawn!

I GOT UP AT 7AM TODAY, FOR NO REASON! I'm actually quite proud of the fact. I may finally be on a normal schedule. Granted i had to take a sleeping pill last night...i think it might have been worth it.

SO FAR, i've worked out....well thats its so far...BUT, just imagine what more i can accomplish today! I'm quite excited. I'm thinking i'm going to clean my room. First thing first though, i'm actually going to go to the hospital with my friend and his girlfriend.

He's having surgery on his leg to remove some stuff. I would go into details but HIPPA forbids me :) I'll honestly be there probably till 4 - 5pm. I'm thinking he may be admitted. I'm probably just going to study there, scary thing is his girlfriend may not be able to stay there all day, and i really think someone should be there. This evening though after getting back i'm hoping to clean clean clean :)

RD :)

Sunday, July 17, 2005

And the wagon goes on....

SO, its 3:30am and i'm completely sober. In fact...i've been completely sober for officially...two whole weeks. Woo hoo you say....? Forget that.

I went out to hard drive...sober. Kind of sucked. All i know is that i would have had alot more fun if i was not sober. It was cool of maz and nithya to give me props...but it can only go so long. I also tried the natural high thing....DID NOT WORK.

But before that went to summer dance and that was a blast. :)

BUT, i digress.

SO, went to brad/bill's bday dinner tonight, and then to martin's. SOBER once again. Then went out from martin's...and again...sober. Not fun. I felt like dead weight. Its kind of shocking to see how logical i am when out...but then again...drunks have a wonderful way of making everyone seem like a genius. Go figure.

SO now, here i am. I saw such good friends today...but did not quite enjoy it. I just couldn't relate to people who are drinking. A buzz kill without the buzz. I definitely will have to find some new hobbies.

In other news, a friend laid out on the table what he felt to a girl he liked. She did the same. End result...? She hasn't spoken to him since. Consequence? He's just going to be a player. Not hard to be a player when you don't care. And thats kind of sad. I mean he's a real good guy, but man....i know him and its taken him a long time to get away from his player ways...and now this. Sucks.

As for me....i'm kind of tired of the whole game too. Its kind of ironic, in order to meet women and stuff at the bars guys just really can't care. You kind of have to stop looking at people, as people. You have to look at it as a game. GOSH, i really wish i didn't see the whole scene sober. Quite traumatic. Oh well. I'm tired. And the enlightening moment of the night.....

"So, i call my car morpheus, cuz when i was a sophmore morpheus asked neo if he believed in fate...? And i use to believe in it, but neo said no he didn't and that was when i realized i had to take control of my life. When i get my new car, i'm going to name it neo. Damn, my beer's empty!" Thats when he proceeded back to the keg :)

My friend is right, as well as being quite drunk at the time. I really have to start taking control of my life.

ARGH! TWO WEEKS OF SOBERNESS! And i'm not proud about it, go figure.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005



SO, i was just going through friendster, and i clicked on one of my friends and then...i looked at their pictures...and then i thought...."she looks goo...WAIT! THATS MY ARM!!!! THATS MY SHIRT! WE WERE AT!!!!!!" and i went speechless.

SO, i've heard of people being cropped, but actually being Quite surreal. I'm guessing she may have liked me, cuz her other pictures have her friends in there. Unless she was embarrassed about me...... Its kind of hilarious, cropping a person your friendsters with.... :) I don't mind though, that means she had to think of me to crop me. Plus, at least my arms in there :)

RD :)

Monday, July 11, 2005

In some knee sac

CAN'T SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH. Actually, i can now. I've had some crazy allergies today. Nose kept running, but i couldn't catch it. :( SO, at 1am today, i decided why fight it...ran some errands (deposited some cash/ got allergy meds/ got groceries).

Actually got healthy groceries. THEN, i e-mailed a bunch of people i've been meaning to e-mail, and call back. OOPs, just remembered a person i was/ should e-mail. Actually just remembered two. I think i should stop remembering...cuz its not fun realizing you actually forgot something, cuz then you end up doubting your memory ability and everyone knows that leads to the darkside of the force (i'm not going to ask anyone where thats from) : ) Okay, maybe i will......but you'll have to wait before i ask........Are you still waiting?......(imagine me humming right now :) okay.....GUESS!!!! :)

SO, i think i'm going to win silent fart's contest! I'm in the lead, i just have to get the picture to him :)

Well, there is alot more, i've pretty much decided to take responsibility today. Thats why i've been up. Also do to the fact that i need to get the parking sticker from amardeep this morning. I don't want to wake him. He went to bed around 1am. Anyways, i'm trying to eat better and i'm definitely avoiding the drink drink, but trying to find the wink wink :) Hard to find the wink wink, when you don't do the drink drink though :(

Yesterday though was a good day. Met up at martin's, went to the lakeview fest...and then chris, martin, rohit, brad and i chilled at a beer garden. Was quite the bueno time :) Worked out later, didn't get to study, cuz i forgot to bring scrap/notebook paper : ( I swear, sometimes my brain is so diabolical like that. Like sometimes when i should get up, my brain makes me dream that i'm awake and doing awake things when in fact....I'm actually asleep. Sometimes i've just got to be impressed with the guy :)

OH, i also did the late ride yesterday. It was just chris, pete and i. Also met up with parul for the millenium park concert thing. GOSH, that seems sooo long ago, but wasn't. Which now begs the long ago was it...? Brain is now mad at RD : (

OH, braj/hetal are okay. they went to london the day before that tragedy. I don't understand why people would do that. It really makes no sense. You instill fear into a population, but all you do is create more angst against your cause. Kind of ironic if you think about it. I mean terrorism is more of a psychological mass weapon, buts its direct consequence for the terrorist is less support amongst the population (and terrorist tend to depend on the population). I can be wrong though, but since this is MY BLOG....I'm RIGHT :) Not write, even though i did write, but i'm RIGHT :) Its nice to be right.

Anyways, i have to figure away right now to get some sleep and not get a parking ticket :(

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Just saw anchorman, legend of Ron Bergundy....AWESOME MOVIE! I thought it was quite funny :)

Going back to chicago tomorrow. I still feel 100% and will still try to do the late ride. I signed up for the naplex/law now. Kind of scared about that. AND, i'm still scared to eat. I'm totally avoiding milk/yogurt. Both times when my abdomen began to hurt, it was after ingesting said combination.

I'm still kind of scared to eat. Every bite i take, i ask myself...."is this the bite that will send me back?" and then i take another bite, in fact....i tend to make myself another meal. Right now i'm under the impression i have 3 days of eating to make up for, and darn it.....i'm not going to get behind!

Never surrender, never give up!
(i'm still guessing no one can guess where thats from :)

RD :)

Friday, July 08, 2005

Thank you note.... : )

This was my thank you note for those who visited me in the hosptial/called and stuff. :) I quite enjoyed it, that i figured i would show :)

RD :)


I'm alive and well! I wanted to thanks everyone who came by and called.

I know what
your thinking..."sending a mass e-mail kind of dilutes the effect of a
thank you!" But don't worry, i'll evenutally send more mass e-mails, that
would in effect constitute to one personalized e-mail :)

Yes i know...i'm a genius :)

BUT basically what caused it is unknown. I can almost here
gaurav/martin/rohit't know e-mail could do that
(martin, could you forward this to rohit/gaurav)?
Well, neither did i. WOW, i can almost here shama say "HARDY, eat
better!". But i'll stick with the relative pathogenesis of my predicament
as..."idiopathic pancreatitis". Nice little fancy word that even sounds
like a
diagnosis :)

SO, i'm feeling great, and am back at home. I should be back in chicago,
and in the spirit of "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER" -can anyone guess
what movie thats from?- i'm going to do the LATE ride this saturday
night/early sunday morning.

Is this wise, i'm not sure, but i've never
really been associated with the word "wise"
either, so i can safely
say...i'm not
behaving in any deviant way...which would mean...i'm being normal....which
would constitute...(drum roll)....I'm normal....AND THIS WOULD MEAN,
i am
capable of doing such ride, SINCE most people who do the LATE
ride...are...Normal :)

(that was a sample of how my head works, now
imagine dealing with that everyday!...don't worry i won't go on a tangent
of how that works :) So consider your sanity safe...notice...i said
yours...and not mine :)

ANYWAYS, again, i just want to say thanks to all of you again....and i
appreciated every single phone call/text message/visit/card/coloring book
:) I wish i
could have sent thank you cards or cave man bats to every single one of
you, but as all of you know, my penmanship isn't the best - but more
importantly - i have no idea where any of you live :)...except for the
internet (as demonstrated) :)

Hopefully i will see all you soon, and thanks for pulling me through my
idiopathic experience :)

Hardy :)

p.s. my parents now think i'm alcoholic! Since thats the number one cause
(57%) But i assure you i'm not alcoholic, and if you don't believe
me...feel free to call my sponsor :)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Quick update

I'm out of the hospital! I had pancreatitis. Everyone says its due to my drinking of beer and eating habits, but i say to heck with that! Really...what do doctors know :)

Well, silent fart gave the best gifts ever :) I haven't gotten stuff like that in ages. I already did one painting :) Its nice to know what your friends think of your maturity level :)

What else....well, basically have to start studying for that exam(s). I'm going to sign up for it today, and that will definitely scare me. Oh, shout out too....

those who visited.....
My parents (there everyday and calling), nihar, martin, rohit, gaurav, shama, huy, V, and Mr. Reardon (he went to chicago and got my laptop too! :). So, things were good. I got pretty bored though today there. Pretty much been up since 3am.

Highlights of my stay at the hospital....

1. Vomiting on million dollar CAT machine, and having some vomit fall on my face as well as gown during CAT scan.

2. Farting so loud and grossly in the bathroom that roommate requested to use a different bathroom. Okay, maybe he didn't, but i know he and his wife heard me :)

OH, i also helped Sap move a while back. A week ago or so. That was fun. Met up with kako, she broke up with her boyfriend of four years. Pretty sad, basically his parents threatened to disown him if they got married. Same thing happened to another friend of mine too, but i heard that via, third person.

Anything else? Yeah....but right now, i've got to get back to that pizza :)

Thanks for the shout out!

RD :)