
Its falling. I think today i've finally realized that fall is here. It seems like everyone is falling. I have some very good friends, and life isn't going the way it should. Its a bummer. You would think that a world series in chicago and possibly a sweep would be signs of good things for the people of chicago...but its not.
Gosh, when you want something soooo bad, and you do everything that is required...and it does not happen...? What do you do? I think we're built on the belief that hard work entails prosperity, but i have to wonder sometimes. Thats a myth. Hard work? I guess it depends on the hard work...? Are you working hard for you, or are you working hard for someone else? I don't know.
Well, right is good for me. I'm working and i'm still trying to learn. I haven't really learned much about pharmacy but i'm trying learn about death and taxes. You see, i'm trying to kill taxes : ) HAHA, i made a funny : ) I guess there is silver lining everywhere. SO the irony....
I met the pharmacist who relieved me from work today, and well...we started talking and it comes about she really wants to get rid of a place she's bought. Its on 16th and state. I think i could get a deal on it, cuz talking to her, you could just tell life didn't deliver things the way they promised. Comes to also present that friends and family are much more important than nice things (in her case, this condo). SO, she just closed on it and wants/needs to get rid of it. She wants to go back to michigan, and its sad. Its sad in what has happened to her and to my friends. Situations kind of the same for both, responsibilities at their jobs were both taken away and now both of them want to run away. I guess every day is a reminder to both them of how the place of work is now a place that reminds them everyday how work doesn't want them... : (
I guess it comes to my earlier conclusion that you don't want to be defined by your job. You can't control it, and if you define yourself by your occupation than, your -in essence- letting other people define you. I don't want that to happen to me. And i wont. I'll always think of myself as the super hero - BUT if i ever try to fly/jump out a window or a very high place, please stop me and my inebriated self. : ) But i guess the point of this pointlessness though is that its sad to see things not go well for those who work hard. : ( Not only does it stabb at the American dream, but man, i think it just stabs at being human.