Saturday, June 25, 2005


This week was pretty crazy. Nicole's bday on thursday/Diana's going away party. That was kind of sad. Actually it was sad that she is leaving. But i think it will be good for her to go kind of officially on her own. She's going to Oakland :(.

Raoof's wedding was awesome! Probably the best wedding i've been too. i know i mentioned it early, but don't re-runs on my blog!

OH, TEAM is officially united via...blogspot!!!!! now, all thats left is world domnination! : )

Oh, my tummy hurts. My mom and dad said it was do to the "fact" that i had milk before eating yogurt hhhhmmmmm. Don't know about that. Yeah, i know they use a little bit of yogurt, add it to make more yogurt....but the cause of stomach aches....i'm not sure about that. I even looked at the yogurt can, and i didn't see any general surgeon warning about...avoid milk :) I then went on to pubmed/google and still no luck. I THEN, asked even a couple of friends about it (2 doctors, and a clinical pharmacist) and they said they knew nothing about this. One of them even giggled at me :( . SO this only leaves me with one possible logical parents know something that the world doesn't....."milk before yogurt, never sicker " : )

Plans for tonight consist of going to wilmette for Hina's bday thing, but lack of transportation may inhibit such endeavors. Maybe meet up with michelle/nicole, and maybe...go to millenium park for concert, tomorrow go to cincy with sap, and back from there on tueday (i think). Kind of sucks, sap and diana are leaving. So is lakshmi.

Its kind of funny (but not the chuckle type of funny, or the michael jackson type of funny :) BUT...whenever friends are around in chicago, i'll take for granted that i'll see them anytime - even though i don't. BUT as soon as news about their departure hits....i'll make instant plans to see them off (as well as everyone else).

EX: laksmi (who's been in chicago for 4 years now) is going to law school. I've seen her twice in four years, but now that she's going off to law school....we've made plans to meet this coming tuesday (which i now realize i might not make due to being in cincy! I really think i should start using my palm again...)

I am that much closer to start studying for boards. I've now got the devil's offer. 5g bonus if i sign up for a year with walgreens. Would be nice, and i don't have to start right away.....tempting...tempting..........What makes it worse, they've given the check! ARGH! :(

OH summer's going to be working at walgreen's IT, in mount prospect! FULL TIME! so technically, we'll both be at walgreens :) Kind of only if we could get amardeep there :)

and end.....GOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo TEEEAAAAAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Monday, June 20, 2005

there and back again....a RD tale :)

So, i'm going to keep this short. I went to st. louis on wednesday and thursday. Hung out with suman on wednesday, and chiragi on thursday. Great time. Just pretty much caught up with both of them. They seem pretty much the same, as well as i too them...i guess :)

Then came back on home around 2:30, and bobby was amazingly enough...awake and made his world reknowned grilled cheese. Gosh i'm hungry right now. :(

Then went to 11pm went to sap's and got the books (naplex). Roshan was there and we played a little mario cart. Then went to Raoof's place to figure out what he needed with the roses. Got that figured out, played some halo 2 got mopped again by azim. Crazy thing with the roses was that they were dead in the fridge so jesus had to go get some more.

SO, i went home again at 2-3am. Woke up, and basically hurried and got ready for raoof's wedding....and juice drove us there. From there went to harddrive and met up with chris, bill and brad. Ran into prat there too, and that was good.

FINALLY ended the night by puking into the chicago river off of michigan avenue. Kind of primo puking area...not like everyday you can do that :)

THEN today i went home at 1pm and had lunch/dinner with my parents, amardeep and summer. That was good. SO it was quite a good weekend. : ) No more halo nights though :(

Wanted to add that i did meet chiragi's friend in st. louis. Kind of sucks though, she was pretty much everything i didn't even know i would want to meet in somebody. Gorgeous, smart, incredibly funny, and rides a bianci (thats a real nice bike). But she's five years older, and even she stated that she wouldn't want to date someone younger. But it just sucks whenever you meet someone. I only seem to meet a person i'm interested in every blue moon. Don't know why that is. But the trip in a whole did motivate me to get started on boards : )

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

St louis

I've decided to rent a car and go to st. louis. I might even go to kansas city. Not sure. Just some maybe's. I've rented a see what happens : )

I'm going to visit suman, and hopefully chiragi.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


I'll keep this short. Basically today...went to cubs game (curtesy of chris), vin's graduation, and rt/mansi's.

SO, to sum up the day....great. It was really good, but at rt/mansi's thing, hardrive was being racist. Well, i don't know if it was racism but it was at the least making them wait along time. But it was a blessing in a way. I saw jaymee/ravi thakker/ jignesh. That was random. I totally appreciated seeing them. I also got jaymee's number so if i do visit st. louis hopefully meet up with her too.

I feel bad tonight too. It was a good night, but i know its probably going to be the last time i see sam (in a very long time), rt and their crew too. Kind of sucks. What sucked too, i kind of bailed on a good friend. I couldn't be wing man. I just couldn't. I don't know what it is....fear? I have no idea, but i do know i don't want to do the lies that entail "wing man". I just can't. I know i'll have to get some more probing, but oh well. I feel really horrible that i bailed on him. I couldn't do it.

GOSH, we're getting older...and i don't want to. I enjoyed early twenties...and even mid twenties...but people are moving on. I have a feeling that i'm going to wake up one day....see who wants to go to the bars/something and no one will be able to...cuz they're busy with their kids. Well, if they ever ask me anything...i'll tell them i'm busy with my bike : )

SO to sum things could have been half empty or half full....but i'll look at it as a full glass : )

AND, i have a new favorite quote...."i've discovered a new four letter word....its called hope"
i'm not sure if i thought of that, or heard it. Alcohol has a funny way of confusing one-self

OH, and i really don't like rap. The words are so amazingly crazy. Certain songs will try to make you tough, while others....would get a sexual harrasment charge against you at a work place, BUT girls dig it! it is sooooo sexist, yet they dig it! i can't figure it out. oh well.

OH, i think i may be on to something.....I think that everyone acts exactly as they should. If you think about it....if someone had the very same genetic and environmental input, then you would think they would react exactly as they should. Therefore everyone does exactly what anyone else would....IF they had the same input (genetic/experience). Possibly...but i'll leave it to the philosphy majors out there

RD : )

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Nocturnias a brightbulbus

I wonder if the title would constitute as pig latin....


I just realized something. What do e-mail/ bloggs / slot machines have in common......?

THE UNSUSPECTED! You never know when your going to win! Even though some of my friends have not written on their blogs in months-MONTHS!- i still check the hopes that maybe...just maybe...they may have written one. Same thing with e-mail, i check it compulsively even though i average maybe 1 e-mail every three days .

So, i'm guessing it might be the same pathway guessed it...slot machines....granted that slot machines do tend to hurt/help the wallet : ) MAN, if i was a researcher, i bet this would have been published...but then again, it kind of is : )

Nocturnia awakius

What is it that i tend to type on this thing when i can't sleep! It also seems that whenever i have big plans the next day....I CAN'T SLEEP! No, not because i can't wait, just cuz i can't sleep! I worked 8 hours today, and i should be in bed. Granted....i only worked 8 hours this entire week...BUT REGARDLESS, i need my sleep : ) as well as my bike.

SO, the plan tomorrow is to go to the cubs game with chris...then vin's graduation thing...and finally...RT/Mansi's which i think.....might not work out....cuz things never seem to work out whenever i try to meet up with them. Oh well, first time for everything.

We're also hoping to hook up a boat thing for jeff's bday...on the 30th. Kind of poetic, kind of hey i'm sure senility will hit him, and he'll figure its a surprise : )

RD : )

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Second day blog ever!

I'm going to keep this quick. Basically went to mcgee's today, had a great time. Then again, i've never quite had a bad time after drinking so much beer. : ) Anyways........I'm beginning to maybe my dreams of being featured on the Daily Show will be soon realized : )

Oh, i've given up on immortalization on craigs list. I've written quite a few top notch rants...and i've now found my true calling....a blogger.... : )


So, I decided to join the world of bloggers, cuz its late, i can't sleep, and i was really bored. Plus, i guess its cool to get comments from your friends. What kind of bites....i don't really know anyone on this except rupal. I would occasionally read her page....and its just nice to be updated by what your friends are doing. I swear all these fonts look pretty much the same. I missed the book antiqua and crazy leg fonts : ( Oh well.

I'm Official

I've officially just joined the world of bloggers. Will i be on CNN? Or maybe...(dare i say it).....the daily show! One can only hope : )