Losing weight....
I was actually kind of nervous, cuz your not really sure if other people are going to enjoy what you like. For example, i didn't like the davinci code, but everyone else did. I know, very bad example, but i just wanted to point out that i think that book was horribly written.
Point being one person's taste my differ from another. SO, i basically planned on and bought salmon, rice, chicken wings (buffalo), and potato salad. What did people eat yesterday night....Salmon, rice, and chicken wings. If you notice, you'll see that potato salad is missing. I bought, but no one ate it...? Doesn't make sense.
WELL, i really like potato salad, and to make a long story short...I ate it. I ate all 2.5 lbs of it. Is that some type of record? I'm not sure. What i am sure about is that you know your fat when you eat 2.5 lbs of potato salad (family size) in two hours. It was quite delicous, yet i'm quite disturbed concerning this achievement. To put things even in greater perspective...imagine eating 9 quarter pouders with cheese in two hours. Yup, i thought that would put things in perspective... : (
Everyone though seemed to have enjoyed the food though! : )
RD : )
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