The sky is falling....

SO, brad and i are both working nights. I call Brad to let him know that i can't go work out this morning, and i hear all this racket. So i ask him, "what are you doing?"
He replies in his most serious voice..."I know this is going to sound silly, but i'm putting up my tent" ?!????!
WHAT! He then later explains how its toooo bright in his room, and i'm like, i've got to go see this.
SO i go over to his place, and whoa and behold...he really did put up a tent in his place! I asked him what made him think of this...and he replied again - ever so logically - "the closet didn't work". SO again i'm like, "you tried to sleep in the closet!" And he replied, "oh yeah, well i bet you wouldn't even fit in a closet!" Can't really argue with that.
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